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BCC Crush Cancer Golf Marathon

Register now!  Sign up as a single, twosome or foursome. All team captains will be responsible for paying for the entire team at registration.   Captains, should collect payment from teammates. Limited to 28 teams, so do not delay signing up.  

Captains, add all players emails as this is very important so we can send out a follow-up email to each player with details to sign up for individual fundraising accounts with the Canadian Cancer Society and each player's shirt size.   Any player who raises $500 or more will receive a free golf shirt.   Closest to the pin contests, longest putt contest, and much more is happening.  We hope you join us for this BCC Premier Fundraiser.

Looking forward to seeing you on the links for this great cause.

Member rate is $79 and non member is $120 each.

112 spots remaining
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